

Monday 5 March 2012


Once upon a time, there was a widower who married a proud and haughty woman as his second wife. She had two daughters, who were equally vain. By his first wife, he'd had a beautiful young daughter, a girl of unparalleled goodness and sweet temper. The Stepmother and her daughters forced the first daughter into servitude, where she was made to work day and night in menial chores. After the girl's chores were done for the day, she would retire to the barren and cold room given to her, and would curl up near the fireplace in an effort to stay warm. She would often arise covered in cinders, giving rise to the mocking nickname "Cinderella". Cinderella bears the abuse patiently and dares not tell her father, since his wife controls him entirely.
One day, the Prince invites all the young ladies in the land to a ball, planning to choose a wife from amongst them. The twoStepsisters gleefully planned their wardrobes for the ball, and taunted Cinderella by telling her maids were not invited to the ball.
As the sisters depart to the ball, Cinderella cries in despair. Her Fairy Godmother magically appears and immediately begins to transform Cinderella from house servant to the young lady she was by birth, all in the effort to get Cinderella to the ball. She turns a pumpkin into a golden carriage, mice into horses, a rat into a coachman, and lizards into footmen. She then turns Cinderella's rags into a beautiful jeweled gown, complete with a delicate pair of glass slippers. The Godmother tells her to enjoy the ball, but warned that she had to return before midnight, when the spells would be broken.
At the ball, the entire court is entranced by Cinderella, most especially the Prince. At this first ball, Cinderella remembers to leave before midnight. Back home, Cinderella graciously thanks her Godmother. She then greets the stepsisters, who had not recognized her earlier and talked of nothing but the beautiful girl at the ball.
Another ball is held the next evening, and Cinderella again attends with her Godmother's help. The Prince has become even more entranced, and Cinderella in turn becomes so enchanted by him she loses track of time and leaves only at the final stroke of midnight, losing one of her glass slippers on the steps of thepalace in her haste. The Prince chases her, but outside the palace, the guards watch only a simple country wench leave. The Prince pockets the slipper and vows to find and marry the girl to whom it belonged. Meanwhile, Cinderella keeps the other slipper, which did not disappear when the spell was broken.
The Prince tries the slipper on all the women in the kingdom. When the Prince arrives at Cinderella's villa, the stepsisters try in vain to win over the prince. Cinderella asks if she might try, while the stepsisters taunt her. Naturally, the slipper fits perfectly, and Cinderella produces the other slipper for good measure. The stepsisters beg for forgiveness, and Cinderella forgives them for their cruelties.
Cinderella marries the Prince, and the stepsisters also marry two lords.
that's kind of story has cheated us including me for all the years...n still my children,,my grandchildren will be cheated by this too.. good Cinderella to hold any grudge against her stepmom and good you are,still you have anger right? same here.after being abuse by that 3stupid lady, do you think someone will happily apologize them with holding any grudge and saying "you done're the best family i ever had..let's live happily ever after"...pffffftttttt...stop that bullshit...people has feeling...
Do you think a prince will fall in love with you by the first sight..too good to be can happen in your reality can you think a prince who has possibility to fall in love with you..think think, right?? reality is harsh you know...we don't have beauty that can enchanted people (at least not me) don't ever dream to marry to someone that perfect..someone who love only you and willing to go all over the town with a slipper to tried it on every women  just to find his love too good to be true....btw,,,did Cinderella the only one who has that size of feet since everyone do not fit that slipper...what size you have Cinderella??maybe same with me??then i can become a new cinderella..hehehe.. UNTUNGLAH!!!
i really thing that kind of bedtime story only cheating the kids...just like barbie dolls when kids think a person with a beautiful face n that fantastic body figure really exist n try to be like Barbie..hey KIDS!!you are being cheated..don't be like me who believed that kind of story in my childhood days n now being regretted by stupid i am..come back to reality...don't live in your dream...once you matured enough you will what is reality n what is dream..
however how harsh it is..this is the world that we live on...let's enjoy this harsh world :D

Friday 16 September 2011

My F!naL eXam

sje je tulis ni...nak bgtau kerunsingan hati...huhu...starting 19 sept ni ak dah start  final paper bel tenang ckit ati....tapi yg ak cuak ni ntok paper economy,pad214 n ctu...ape kejadahnye letak berderet subjek 2..penat giler nak bce...pad214 dah r 15 topics...berdarah r hidung ak bce buku....risau ak kklu xdpt capai target ak...akxnak result jatuhtp nmpk gayenye macam bakal jatuh...ahhhhh~~~susahnye nak maintain  result...masuk u bru pndai pikir pasal result....dulu wktu sekolah result perkara last sekali...jadi budak paling bodoh dlm kelas pon xkisahyg penting kite ENJOY!!!tp skang ni xleh nak men2..*tp ak still gak men*..hehehehe...klu result terok alamat makan pasir r ak 6ti...bestnye klu boleh rilek result terok mampus ak kne hentam ngan bapak ak...skang ni pad214 bru bce dlm 4 topic..topic len ak tebuk2 1 mende dok bce lagi...ctu,,,xyah ckp r,...terime ksih je r ak nak sentuh...ak ingat malam ni nak stdy tp alamatnye mcm xjd je bile ak dah mengadap laptop malas ni bile ade laptop tp klu xde  laptop bosan...xde FTISLAND!!!!!!huhu...ckp pasal ftisland...hurmmm...sedih...xdapat g KMW 24sept sume sebab pad214...bengang tol...apsal nak exam plak hari 2...byk2 hari apsal pilih hari 2...ikut ati nak je call dean uitm mintak tukar tarikh...hahahaha...kalau boleh!!!kawan ak dah siap beli tiket dah nak jumpe ftisland...ak puas menunggu 3 tahun  ftisland dtg malaysia...alik2 still xdpt pergi...malangnye r nasib...xpe2...ak  xsnggup nak  repeat pad214 demi ftisland...ak g  pon bukan ak  dpt kawen ngan hongki dop??
berbalik kepade paper ak...MIZAH xabis2 ckp xstdy pape...TIPU!!!!ak nampak ko stdy mizah....hahahahahahaha...SHEKIN pon nampak struggle...ak tdo dy stdy...FADY ngah online ni pon dy stdy....SYIEDA xdpt dikenalpasti coz dy ade kat bilik sendiri n xjoin shekin jd foreigner numpang bilik ak....xnak dah r pnggl  dyorg foreigner...nak pnggl PATI...pendatang tanpa izin...hahahahaha...sori korang..
dah r skang ni ak diserang selsema melampau....klu lah boleh ak buang hidung ak sementara waktu....tkr kejap ke ngan org len...boleh x???
ok r...penat ngarut...nak tdo plak...gudnite,...wish me luck k...

Tuesday 13 September 2011


Smile, an everlasting smile
A smile can bring you near to me
Don't ever let me find you gone
Cause that would bring a tear to me
This world has lost it's glory
Lets start a brand new story
Now, my love
Right now there'll be no other time
And I will show you how my love

Talk, in everlasting words
And dedicate them all, to me
And I will give you all my life
I'm here if you should call to me
You think that I don't even mean
a single word I say...
It's only words and words are all I have
To take your heart away

going crazy!!

my room's full!!!
y?y?y?because of qaseh syieda n zara sofea...u r big big girl in the small small room!!!but indeed it's so funny when syieda become a laughing stock.....hahahahahaha....extremely funny facebook's status from her.....kekekekeke...
"Saya lepaskan awak pergi bukan kerna saya benci awak or saya xsukakan awak, saya perlukan masa tok kita kembali seperti sedia kala,.mungkin ngan cara nie kite leh pikir baik buruk or hujung pangkal perhubungan kita,.bertawakallah pada Allah,jika baik perhubungan kita,maka dekatkanlah kita,jika tidak,.lepaskanlah kita sejauh- jauhnya,.♥"
 lOVESICK!!*sing lovesick-ftisland along*
she's going crazy!!OMG!!!! 
i have no experience in these thing so i think it's a bit creepy...falling in love amused me...hahahaha,....but i hope i will never be like her...:D final exam is coming..D-5...n syieda still with her love....*love is everything*...good for you,buddy...please,pray for me!!!gudluck for all of u..^^